Mother’s Day Dendrobium Bouquet


Hushed hues of lilac tiptoe from nearly white centers, making the Mistine dendrobium an any time favorite. This elegant bouquet features ten long-lasting sprays that erupt in a multitude of blossoms, all the stems arranging themselves effortlessly in our blue paisley ceramic teardrop vase.

  • Stem count: 10
  • Vase: ceramic, 6 3/4″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase
  • Add a Spa scented soy candle

CUT ALL STEMS TO FIT YOUR VASE. SOME STEMS REQUIRE MORE TRIMMING THAN OTHERS. Trim ½” from the bottom of each spray by making a diagonal cut. Arrange orchids allowing them to fan out. Do not allow any blooms to be underwater. If you must, simply remove the blossom from the stem. Always add fresh water daily and mist your orchids. Trim away spent blossoms as your bouquet ages and rearrange. Typical orchid buds may gradually open at the tips of each stem, although most do not.


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