Lavender Fields Bouquet


A floral fashion show of starlets, our pretty pink and lavender bouquet will dress up any room in style. The loveliest lavender/pink roses, perfect pink roses, and amazing Asiatic lily buds begin to open the blush with rosy petals sharing the spotlight with dark purple limonium and fragrant lavender stock.  Offering in our Limited Designer lavender vase

  • Stem count: 23
  • Available in our signature glass vase

We recommend trimming the stems to be 4”- 5” above the vase.  Various lengths to “copy”  the artsy as seen on the website if desired.  Cut at a 45-degree angle. All lilies are sent in bud to protect the fraigial flower and will bloom over th next few days. Give your flowers fresh water and refresh every 1-2 days.  Display as you please starting with the greens/foliage first if your bouquet contains them and do not allow any foliage to be underwater.  As the journey unfolds, Calyx adds a sprinkle of extra blooms for an added pop! Yet, if those blossoms aren’t quite flourishing post-flight, it’s time to bid them a fond farewell. fairwell, bonus blooms! Remember, it is your masterpiece, have fun!

If your bouquet contains roses remove the outer guard petals which protect the roses during shipping.  If your bouquet contains hydrangeas submerge the entire bloom with the stem in fresh water for 20-30 minutes if they look tired, they will bounce back.  /.


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