Miracle Bouquet


Rainforest Certified!Experience the Smallest Carbon Footprint with Calyx Tropicals. Why? Because our stems are Cut FRESH from the fields and delivered directly to your door! That’s why Calyx LAST the longest—phenomenally long! We don’t cut them until you’ve placed your order, they’re waiting for you, not languishing in a refrigerator. Plus, by eliminating the middle-person, THIS ensures that the farms are paid more to support their families. Choose Calyx for fresher, longer-lasting and a greener footprint!

A bouquet aglow with tropical beauties is a grand way to warm someone’s heart and home. A surprise from warmer climates all set against a lush backdrop of different leaves of palms.  Creating a true paradise oasis.

  • Stem count: 24
  • Please note – If a vase is ordered, it may be clear or frosted
  • This bouquet delivers on Tuesday & Thursday ONLY

CUT ALL STEMS TO FIT YOUR VASE. SOME STEMS REQUIRE MORE TRIMMING THAN OTHERS. Fill a vase with warm water and add food as directed. Trim flowers underwater with a diagonal cut of 1” or more from each stem. Place the stems in a vase and keep them in a cool spot, out of direct sunlight and away from drafts. We suggest leaving the rubber band on the base of the bouquet for easy arranging.


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