Spring Morning Tulip Bouquet


Few flowers herald the arrival of spring quite as fashionably as tulips, their colorful blooms opening wide to declare that sunshine and cheer are here. And what better place to enjoy the spring season than in the beautiful setting of someone’s home? Twenty-five Dutch multi-colored tulips create quite a fanfare in our galvanized steel market bucket, colorfully displaying spring’s arrival.

  • Stem count: 25
  • Vase: metal, 7 3/4″ high, 4″ opening
  • Also available in our signature glass vase

Leaving the tulips in their cellophane wrap, trim ½” or more from each stem. Place wrapped tulips in your vase for at least one hour. Carefully remove wrap. This ensures that the stems drink the water and become sturdy. Don’t be afraid to cut! Your bouquet will look good with the different varieties in varying lengths. IMPORTANT! Always add fresh water daily. A fun fact…The Dutch add a Penny to the water to add luck and longevity.


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