Hydrangea & Rose Sorbet Bouquet


Looking for something astounding and refreshingly unique to make a special day even more so! As charismatic and colorful as they come, this lovely bouquet is a treat for a friend, colleague (or you!) to a mix of white hydrangea, luxury pink and cream white roses, and peach hypericum berries. Sure to have everyone dishing out lots of compliments, the gathering looks idyllic in our Monaco white vase.

  • Stem length: 15″ – 17″
  • Stem count: 25
  • Vase: ceramic, 6 1/2″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase


CUT ALL STEMS TO FIT YOUR VASE. SOME STEMS REQUIRE MORE TRIMMING THAN OTHERS. Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line. Remove the “guard petal” on each rose – this is the outermost petal left on to protect the bud during shipment. You may also remove any petals that may have slightly bruised during shipping. Hydrangeas may look a bit tired upon arrival. Don’t despair! They’re healthy – just thirsty…they will rehydrate and perk up within 24 hours. We recommend cutting all stems underwater for best blooming results. Add fresh water daily and re-cut stems every other day.


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