Strawberry Begonia – Saxifraga stolonifera, (S. stolonifera ‘Tricolor’)

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Strawberry Begonia – Saxifraga stolonifera, (S. stolonifera ‘Tricolor’)

Common Name: Strawberry Begonia, Mother of Thousands, (Magic Carpet)

Botanical Name: Saxifraga stolonifera, (S. stolonifera 'Tricolor'), saks-IF-ra-ga or saks-i FRAG-a sto-lon-IF-er-a

Decorative Life: As a flowering plant weeks, as a foliage plant months to years.

Flower Color:

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  • From the Latin “saxum” for rock and “fragere” to break, from the belief that leaves from the Saxifraga genus can cure (break) kidney and bladder stones. Both the new specific name “stolonifera” and the old one “sarmentosa” mean runners or horizontal stems.
  • The cultivar ‘Tricolor’ is popular because of its variegated leaves.
  • Might be better known by some as S. sarmentosa.