Shasta Daisy – Leucanthemum X superbum

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Shasta Daisy – Leucanthemum X superbum

Common Name: Shasta Daisy

Botanical Name: Leucanthemum X superbum, lu-KAN-the-mum su-PER-bum

Flower Color: ,


Family Roots:
  • As a member of the ASteraceae or Compositae (aster family), this species has common relatives such as chrysanthemum, aster, sunflower, strawflower, lettuce, endive, Zinnia and Ageratum.
  • Native to Europe, Northern Asia.
  • Over 50 single- and double-flowered cultivars of this perennial are known. Leaves are glossy, divided and up to 12 inches long. Flowers to 4 inches in diameter with white ray and yellow disk florets.
Storage Specifics:

When held wet or dry between 32 and 50F, no difference in vaselife was noted between wet and dry at a given temperature. However, there was an advantage for wet holding when held at 55F. Therefore, dry storage/transport is recommended unless high temperatures (>50F) are possible.

  • Considered to be a cross between L. maximum and L. lacustre. Might be better known as Chrysanthemum maximum.
  • From Greek “leukos” for white and “anthemon” for flower.
  • Division of clumps should be performed every two or three years under garden settings to maintain plant vigor.
  • The cultivar ‘Becky’ was chosen as the 2001 plant of the year by the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association. It reaches 3-4 feet by 2-3 feet wide, produces 3-4 inch white flowers with yellow centers in July.