Related species include trumpet-creeper, catalpa and desert willow.
In its native habitat, is an evergreen tree or shrub up to 40 feet tall. Flowers are deep yellow.
Storage Specifics:
Somewhat chill sensitive, store at or above 55F. At 68F, it took twice as much ethylene to induce leaf fall compared to plants held at 77 or 86F. At 50F, there is no response to ethylene at levels normally encountered by these plants in the commercial world.
Named after a Dutch resident and botanist who lived in Java, J.C.M. Radermacher. He published a list of plants growing in the region.
Ethylene-induced leaf abscission is limited at higher temperatures but that ethylene diffusion is not the limiting factor at sub-optimal temperatures.
Recent Research Findings:
Poole and Conover (1993) stored this species at 36-46F from 1-4 days and subsequently noted some dead leaf tips within a few days but the plants were still salable.
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