Both sleeving and boxing can reduce plant quality compared to plants open-shipped (no sleeve or box). For one week storage or shipping, 50F is better than 60F. If grown in Florida, plants should have been produced under 70-80% shade. Grown under lower light levels, plants are better adapted to the lower light levels commonly encountered in the home. Lime (dolomite) should be added to most growing mixes to reduce the chances of fluoride-induced foliar necrosis that often comes from superphosphate.
Family Roots:
Member of the Arecaceae or Palmae (palm family).
Native to Mexico and Guatemala.
Related to many common palms including Palmetto, Washington, Fountain, Date, Areca, Coconut and Oil.
Leaves about 10 inches long with fronds one inch wide.
Classed as a monocotyledon, leaves mostly parallel veined.
Storage Specifics:
Chill sensitive, store at or above 50F. Storage at 46F or lower for a little as 1-2 days can cause dead leaf tips and spots.
The specific epithet name “elegans” means elegant. From the Greek “chamai” (on the ground) and “dorea” (a gift) meaning that the fruit hang low to the ground and are therefore easy to get.
Members of this family provide the world with many products including food (coconut and oil), ornamentals, wax, fibers and beverages.
Will generally grow well in light levels bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort.
Recent Research Findings:
Poole and Conover (1993) stored this species at 36-46F from 1-4 days and subsequently noted dead leaf tips and dead leaf spots within a few days. Reyes et al. (1996) showed that best acclimation was achieved at intermediate light and fertility ranges when grown in Florida.
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