Any form and combination of nitrogen fertilizers seem to work equally well in producing high quality and long lasting plants. Under Florida skies, grade and vine length increased as shade levels decreased from 80 to 40%.
Family Roots:
Member of the Araceae (arum family).
Native from the Tropical Americas to West Indies.
Some common relatives are aglaonema, pothos, calla and anthurium.
Species is classed as a monocotyledon, leaves parallel veined.
Leaves heart-shaped, glossy, leathery, up to 3 inches across.
Stems trailing.
Storage Specifics:
Chill sensitive, should be generally stored above 55F. However, in other research this species was stored at 10-66F with equally good results for 21 days.
The specific epithet name “scandens” means climbing in reference to their growing habit as a climber.
Most are classified as “epiphytes” or air plants as they grow on other plants and elevated supports. They are not parasites but obtain water and nutrients through a spongy covering of their roots.
Philodendron: Greek for tree-loving, in reference to its native growing habit.
Several arum family members (including taro) are grown in tropical regions for their edible tubers, representing starch staples for large populations. Many other species are grown for their beautiful foliage.
Can tolerate all sorts of neglect. Will grow well in light levels bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort even though they are often exposed to lower light levels and still survive.
Recent Research Findings:
Poole and Conover (1993) stored this species at 36-46F from 1-4 days and subsequently noted total dead spots on and distorted new leaves within a few days. As summarized by Brown (1988) of the work by Wolverton et al. (numerous years), this is one of many foliage and flowering plant species that can remove air pollutants such as formaldehyde and/or benzene often found in cigarette smoke from interior environments.
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