Relatives include Franklinia, Ternstroemia and Stewartia.
Waxy flowers 2-6 inches across, single and double forms, solitary on short branchlets on woody stems.
Stems cut to various lengths or individual flowers are harvested.
Plant is an evergreen shrub, classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
Very little if any fragrance.
Storage Specifics:
45 F with high humidity.
Named for Georg Josef Kamel, a Moravian Jesuit missionary who studied plants in the Philippines. There are over 2000 cultivars of this species.
Camellias were brought to America in the late 18th century and soon became a fixture in southern gardens.
Related to the tea plant, the Camellia”s flower was a garden treasure in China long before the flower was introduced to Western civilization. The Camellia is the plant from which Earl Grey and other popular teas are made.
Camellia sasanqua blooms in the fall, Camellia sinensis is the source of commercial tea.
Flower forms include single, semi-double, anemone, peony, rose double and formal double.
Recent Research Findings:
Using ‘Kumasaka’, Doi and Reid (1996) noted that STS treatment prevented flower abscission but did not delay the occurrence of necrotic brown spots on flowers.
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