Do not irrigate plants right after planting in order to give any below ground damage tissue to heal or cure thus reducing the chances of disease development.
Family Roots:
Members of the Cactaceae (cactus) family.
Many are native to the drier regions of North and South America. However, certain species come from locations such as Africa, Madagascar and Ceylon.
Related species include Christmas Cactus.
Plants are classified as dicotyledons, leaves not parallel veined.
Leaves or stems are fleshy, often covered with spines.
Flower fragrance depends on species and cultivar.
Storage Specifics:
Some are chill sensitive, store above 55 degrees F.
The cactus family is very large with over 2000 species.
Cereus from the Greek “cera”, meaning wax, referring to the torch-like shape of young plants.
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