Cactus – Cereus, Notocactus, Opuntia, Echinocactus and Echinopsis spp.

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Cactus – Cereus, Notocactus, Opuntia, Echinocactus and Echinopsis spp.

Common Name: Cactus, Prickly Pear, Hedgehog Cactus,

Botanical Name: Cereus, Notocactus, Opuntia, Echinocactus and Echinopsis spp., SEER-ee-us, noh-toh-KAK-tus, oh-PUNT-ee-uh, eck-ee-no-KAK-tus and eck-in-OPP-sis

Decorative Life: Indefinite for foliage, a few days to weeks for flowers.

Flower Color: , , ,


Harvest Instructions:

Do not irrigate plants right after planting in order to give any below ground damage tissue to heal or cure thus reducing the chances of disease development.

Family Roots:
  • Members of the Cactaceae (cactus) family.
  • Many are native to the drier regions of North and South America. However, certain species come from locations such as Africa, Madagascar and Ceylon.
  • Related species include Christmas Cactus.
  • Plants are classified as dicotyledons, leaves not parallel veined.
  • Leaves or stems are fleshy, often covered with spines.
  • Flower fragrance depends on species and cultivar.
Storage Specifics:

Some are chill sensitive, store above 55 degrees F.

  • The cactus family is very large with over 2000 species.
  • Cereus from the Greek “cera”, meaning wax, referring to the torch-like shape of young plants.
  • Direct and filtered sunlight levels are best.