The parents of this hybrid are from Europe and Siberia.
Related species include columbine, larkspur, monkshood, anemone.
Plant height can reach 3-4 feet.
Single flowers occur on a branched spike.
Plant is classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
Flowers are not fragrant.
Storage Specifics:
Store at 32-36F based on best available data.
Delphinium”s petals have been said to resemble the bottle-nose of the dolphin, hence the Greek derivative of the name “delphis,” which means dolphin.
The “X” in the species name means that it is a cross between at least two species having the same genus. In this case, a hybrid between D. elatum and D. grandiflorum.
Good vertical accent or filler.
Make sure stems are rinsed in tap water prior to cutting under water to remove excess debris that could clog the stems.
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