Snowberry – Symphoricarpos spp. or S. alba

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Snowberry – Symphoricarpos spp.  or  S. alba

Common Name: Snowberry

Botanical Name: Symphoricarpos spp. or S. alba, sim-for-i-KAR-pos

Decorative Life: Weeks.


Family Roots:
  • Member of the Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family).
  • Native to North America.
  • Family members include Abelia, Sambucus, Viburnum and Weigela.
  • Used mainly for the clusters of white berries along bare, woody stems.
  • Stems cut to various lengths.
  • Plant is a deciduous shrub, classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
Storage Specifics:

Most likely 32-34F.

  • From the Greek “symphorein” (bear together) and “karpos” (a fruit), referring to the clustered fruit.
  • Grown mostly for its white berries.