Regal Geranium – Pelargonium X domesticum

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Regal Geranium – Pelargonium X domesticum

Common Name: Regal Geranium, Potted Geranium, Lady Washington Geranium

Botanical Name: Pelargonium X domesticum, pel-ar-GON-e-um x do-MES-ti-cum

Decorative Life: Many months to years depending on environment.

Flower Color: , , ,


  • Common “geraniums” are mostly in the genus Pelargonium whereas there is a genus called Geranium that contains many wild species.
  • Some favorite cultivars and their respective flower colors include ‘Imperial’ (burgundy), ‘Excalibur’ (pink/red), ‘Pinto’ (red, white, rose, salmon, violet), ‘Ringo 2000’ (same as ‘Pinto’ but more compact), ‘Americana Dark Red’ and ‘Americana Light Pink Splash’, along with the Elegance and Royality series, each with many colors.
  • From the Greek “pelargos” (stork) named for the beak of the fruit looking like that of a stork. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology list this species as an allergy-safe pollen producing plant.
  • Will generally do well in light levels at least bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort but more light (up to filtered full sunlight) would be better.
  • There is a very large group of geraniums that are grouped together and called Pelargonium cultivars. They are mostly smaller flowered, have scented leaves and are of a wide range of habit and foliage. Some of the “scented” geraniums fit this cultivar group while others are specific species.