Yellow or Cream Roses & Poms


This zesty bouquet is a thoughtful way to send best wishes. The farm’s best rose of the day is mixed with micro-poms. To make the ensemble pop, we feature it here in our summertime shades of blue vase.

  • Stem count: 13
  • Vase: summertime patio glass 5″ high

We’ve added a sprinkle of extra blooms for an added burst of color! Yet, if those blossoms aren’t quite flourishing post-flight, it’s time to bid them a fond farewell. We recommend trimming the stems to be 3”- 4” above the vase.  Cut at a 45-degree angle. Give your flowers fresh water and refresh them every 1-2 days.  Display as you please starting with the greens/foliage first if your bouquet contains them and do not allow any foliage to be underwater.  Remember, it is your masterpiece, have fun!

If your bouquet contains roses remove the outer guard petals which protect the roses during shipping.  If the roses look tired, they will bounce back after hydrating.


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