Springtime Garden Bouquet


Debut Design – Be among the select few to share in this premiere design.

If you’re looking for something surprising, eye-catching and springtime beautiful, this bouquet is the perfect choice. Blushing pink and cream roses have been paired with dainty lemony yellow spray roses. Charming white chrysanthemum poms surround the two. Our unique blue iridescent vase with its fun shape adds additional charm to the bouquets presentation.

  • Stem length: 15″ – 17″
  • Stem count: 19
  • Vase: ceramic; 7 1/2″ high
  • Also available in signature glass vase

Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line. Remove the “guard petal” on each rose – this is the outermost petal left on to protect the bud during shipment. You may also remove any petals that may have slightly bruised during shipping. We recommend cutting all stems underwater for best blooming results. Always add fresh water daily. Trim away spent blossoms as your bouquet ages and rearrange if necessary.
