Snow Day Bouquet


Everyone loves the unexpected surprise of something out of the usual, so what better name for a beautiful bouquet that delivers the same fun and excitement. Whimsical for sure, but also elegant and sophisticated to meld with many styles of seasonal décor, it features blue snowball hydrangeas, light and dark blue delphinium, white alstroemeria, and pristine white roses aptly named “Blizzard.” The cylindrical container takes the bouquet’s allure to new heights, its embossed pattern and pretty shape draped in a worn silver mercury glaze.

  • Stem length: 15″ – 17″
  • Stem count: 20
  • Vase: glass, 6″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase

CUT ALL STEMS TO FIT YOUR VASE. SOME STEMS REQUIRE MORE TRIMMING THAN OTHERS. Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line. Trim 1/2″ from the bottom of each stem, making a diagonal cut to the recommended display height of your vase. Some varieties of flowers like hydrangea may look a bit tired upon arrival. Don’t despair! They’re healthy – just thirsty… submerge the blooms completely in cool water for approximately an hour, they will rehydrate and perk up within 24 hours. Surprisingly, hydrangeas may demonstrate an almost unquenchable thirst. IMPORTANT! Always add fresh water daily.  Remove the “guard petal” on each rose – this is the outermost petal left on to protect the bud during shipment. You may also remove any petals that may have slightly bruised during shipping.


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