Summer Bouquet


Debut Design – Be among the select few to share in this premiere design.

Roses, lilies, and daisies are beyond stunning. This bouquet is reminiscent of New England cottages and outdoor gardens of lovely Cape Cod. The pitcher is one of the most beautiful and unique pieces Calyx has ever offered, designed with a seahorse handle. Long after the flowers have bloomed, this decorative pitcher will be loved and admired through the years.

  • Stem count: 15
  • Pitcher:  ceramic, 7 1/2″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase

We recommend trimming the stems to be 4”- 5” above the vase.  Cut at a 45-degree angle. Give your flowers fresh water and refresh every 1-2 days.  Display as you please starting with the greens/foliage first if your bouquet contains them and do not allow any foliage to be underwater.  Remember, it is your masterpiece, have fun!

If your bouquet contains roses remove the outer guard petals which protect the roses during shipping.  If your bouquet contains hydrangeas submerge the entire bloom with the stem in fresh water for 20-30 minutes if they look tired, they will bounce back.  For additional care instructions please go to


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