Tell that special someone they mean everything to you with this most eloquent bouquet of our luxury roses. It boasts eight different rose varieties in every color for every meaning – red for love, yellow for friendship, lavender for enchantment, peach for gratitude, pink for happiness, creamy white for sincerity, and bi-colored yellow/orange for desire – all magnificently arranged in our ceramic tell me how you feel vase to express your inner most sentiments.
Vase reads: “Sometimes when I look at the moon I think of you looking at the moon at the same time. Sometimes I look at the moon and send it a little wish for you. I wish you all the stars. Sometimes I want to go up there with you and swing on stars. We could take an old record player up there and dance all night and I’d tell you I love sharing the moon with you. And I’d tell you I love you more than stars. And I’d tell you I love you all the way to the moon and back.”
- Stem count: 22
- Vase: ceramic, 7 3/4″ high
- Also available in our signature glass vase