Red Roses & Ruscus


This cheerful red rose bouquet is perfect for anyone’s birthday, or any special occasion.  It’s a lovely way to say hello and send your greetings.

  • Stem count: 10
  • Vase: Deep Red glass; 8″ high
  • Add a Teddy Beaar

Remove bouquet immediately upon arrival. Fill the vase ¾ full with warm water and add Calyx flower food. Remove the hydration system from the stems. Trim about 5-8” from the bottom of your bouquet to have a “rounded” look as intended in the dark red vase. While holding the stems under water, place them immediately in the vase. Keep your arrangement away from drafts, direct sunlight, and excessive heat or cold. Change water and re-cut the stems every 2-3 days.


Bouquet & Vase Dred624 $69.00
Bouquet, Teddy Bear & Vase Bred624 $79.00

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