Lilies in love Bouquet


A magnificent look to add a bit of natural elegance to any room of the home, luxurious white lilies.  Our tabletop bouquet is sure to spark conversation. Placed in our textured four-inch reflective glass vase glazed a glossy verdant red. This bouquet has an exceptionally long vase life and makes a fantastic gift or marvelous, mood-setting centerpiece for Valentine’s Day.

  • Stem length: 10-16”
  • Stem count: 4 stems
  • Vase: stunning red globe glass 4 3/4 inches high
  • Vase: clear glass 8”

Lilies: arrive in tight bud, and will bloom as the days pass.

if you received the decorative red 4 3/4 globe vase, high gloss- cut the stems approximately 6 inches for the lilies to be supported by the top of the vase. Add water to the vase enjoy!  Change water every few days


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