Flowers & Lavender Wreath


For centuries, lavender has been enjoyed for its many positive effects, all celebrated here in our beautiful USA-made wreath. Recalling country cottage décor, a grapevine base is blanketed with lavender, Elephant ear, pal pods, curly ting ting, salal leaves, birch, sola gangote flower, bellini and paras pods all tied together with a soothing aromatic mixture of French Lavender, Chamomile, Creamy Sandalwood and Vanilla.

  • 22″ diameter
  • Fragrant
  • Made in the USA
  • We suggest adding our embossed wreath hanger for easy hanging
  • Standard Shipping arrives within 2 – 6 business days from ship date. (for specific delivery dates, select overnight upgrade shipping)

Our preserved designs are originally produced with extra elements so slight shedding during transit is normal. The colors will soften naturally over time. Designs are best maintained when displayed indoors, away from direct sunlight, strong heat sources and extreme moisture. Please note: if outdoor must be brought in during poor weather.
