The white Asiatic lilies arrive in tight buds to bloom with our Eryngium Blue Bell. Perfect for Hanukkah Lights blue, white and silver for your celebration. Over the days ahead, lilies open into lovely, long-lasting blooms. Vibrant Eryngium blue, an equally elegant flower, complements both the lilies and our ceramic high-glazed elegant vase.
- Stem count: 9
- Vase: shimmer ceramic vase and 7.5” high
- Menorah Candle Tin 6.5 oz soy
All lilies arrive in tight buds. Please note the multiple buds on each stem may not all bloom, this is a characteristic of the lily. please cut the stems each day a little bit to advance quicker blooming and place in indirect sunlight. We recommend trimming the stems to be 4”- 5” above the vase. Cut at a 45-degree angle. Give your flowers fresh water and refresh every 1-2 days. Display as you please do not allow any foliage to be underwater. Remember, it is your masterpiece, have fun!