Golden Solstice Bouquet


This pine bouquet is full of festive, stylish and fragrant stems. A striking masterpiece with a seasonal scent of Princess Pine anchors the fashionable display, while gorgeous Genista adds sophistication and eucalyptus in two styles that lend an air of refinement only to be topped with a pine cone. The whole ensemble is displayed in a vase of shiny gold.  Stem count: 21


  • Vase: Gold-plated metal; 14” high
  • Gold-plated Vase & Candle scented
  • Also available in our glass vase
  • Bouquet only

All stems are cut fresh prior to arrival. We recommend fresh water and trimming every few days.  OR TRIM as needed for the look you desire and vase placement.   Cut at a 45-degree Display as you please – do not allow any foliage to be underwater.  Remember, it is your masterpiece, have fun!



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