Fall In Fashion Bouquet


Overflowing with Red Rover mums and ritzy red hypericum berries, this beautiful bouquet brings together all that’s hot for fall. Completing the red carpet with just the right touch of added color are even more mums in orange-red and golden orange, all perfectly arranged in our fall harvest bottle vase.

  • Stem count: 21
  • Vase: glass; 7″ high
  • Also available in our glass vase

Remove bouquet immediately upon arrival by pulling up on the handles of the insert. Gently lift bouquet from the slotted center. Fill vase ¾ full with warm water and add Calyx floral preservative. Remove the hydration system from the stems, the foam is a bio-degradable material and can be discarded safely. Keep band around end of bouquet. Trim ½” from the bottom of bouquet while holding stems under water, and place immediately in vase. Keep your arrangement away from drafts, direct sunlight and excessive heat or cold. Change water and re-cut the stems every 2-3 days.


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