Easter Orchid Bouquet


We call these orchids “jewels,” because their brilliant jewel tones add a precious allure to these exotic tropical flowers. It’s a perfect bouquet for Easter, Mother’s Day, or any occasion that calls for luxury, elegance, and drama. Dendrobiums in stunning shades of deep purple and color-enhanced blue complement yellow, pink, and purple mokaras. To enhance these long-lasting sprays, add our petite amethyst flourish vase.

  • Stem length: 15″ – 22″
  • Stem count: 10
  • Vase: glass: 7″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase

Trim 1/2″ from the bottom of each spray, making a diagonal cut to the recommended display height of your vase. Do not allow any orchid blooms to be underwater. If you must, simply remove the blossom from the stem (you may float your cut blooms in water). Display bouquet in cool conditions and avoid heat sources and drafts. Add fresh water daily and mist your orchids. Change water, clean container and recut stems every other day.
