Dawn to Dusk Bouquet


The fiery red, bright orange and lively yellow of sunrise meets the mellower hues of dusk in a handsome bouquet that interweaves country hominess and city sophistication. Deep red and orange roses join sunshine yellow button mums to fill in for the morning spectrum, while purple iris, and dark green ruscus paint an evening palette. We’ve paired the blooms with our bold yellow ceramic vase for an additional pop of color.

  • Stem length: 15″ – 17″
  • Stem count: 29
  • Vase: ceramic, 7″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase

CUT ALL STEMS TO FIT YOUR VASE. SOME STEMS REQUIRE MORE TRIMMING THAN OTHERS. Remove all foliage that will fall below the waterline. Remove the “guard petal” from each rose – this is the outermost petal left on the bud. Tiny trims to the tops of roses if needed to encourage a fast bloom or has water stains. Some varieties of flowers may look a bit tired upon arrival. They’re healthy – just thirsty and will rehydrate within 24 hours. Add fresh water daily and recut stems every other day.  This is an ECO bouquet, enjoy.


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