Coffee & Cream Bouquet


Blending elegance and artistry with a shot of something different, this creative bouquet is one of the prettiest pick-me-ups you’ve ever seen. Our clear glass hobnail vase holds eight impressive roses called Coffee Break, a variety loved for its many petals that range from light to medium to dark. Perky bi-colored cream roses and fragrant double bloom stock finish off this energetic ensemble perfectly, making it a very welcomed surprise for your Mom, a colleague or coworker, or perhaps your favorite barista.

  • Stem length: 15″ – 17″
  • Stem count: 18 stems
  • Vase: crackle glass ceramic, 6″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase

Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line. Remove the “guard petal” on each rose – this is the outermost petal left on to protect the bud during shipment. You may also remove any petals that may have slightly bruised during shipping. We recommend cutting all stems underwater for best blooming results. Always add fresh water daily, clean the container and change water every other day.


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