Autumn Colors Bouquet


The striking colors of autumn really strut their stuff in this vivid bouquet, making it a brilliant choice for birthday, get well, or any special occasion. Situated in our shiny aluminum pedestal vase to let the light of every flower shine, the gathering includes golden sunflowers, orange roses, purple pom daisies, red hypericum berries, and so many other seasonal favorites it’s a surprise at every turn!

  • Stem length: 15″-17″
  • Stem count: 20 stems
  • Vase: aluminum finish, 9″ high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase


Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line.  Cut stems to the appropriate length of your container or vase.  Do not be afraid to cut!  Don’t despair!  Your flowers are healthy, just thirsty.  They will rehydrate and perk up within 24 hours.  IMPORTANT!  Always add fresh water daily.  Change water and recut stems every other day.


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