An autumn surprise of the most stunning kind, perfect for birthday, Thanksgiving, or any occasion! One hundred of our luxury roses in four of fall’s most striking shades arrive to fill the home or office of someone special in your life. We’ve displayed the luxurious combination of four different varieties (velvety Red Freedom, brilliant Orange Unique, High yellow, and terra cotta Cherry Brandy) in a magnificently sized wine chiller sure to impress. You may also choose fifty long stemmed roses.
- Stem length: 20″ – 24″
- Stem count: 100 (shown) or 50
- Vase: aluminum metal wine chiller; 8 1/4″ high
- Did you know we offer a Year of Roses gift program in 3, 6, and 12-month installments?
- May we suggest adding our popular Citrus Crush candle tin for an added punch (6.5 oz) – ships FREE with bouquet