Wedding Flowers, Bouquets, and Centerpieces

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* Coupon code will be included in each gift reminder.

Showing 17–20 of 20 results

Bulk Flower Delivery

Whether it’s bouquets for your bridesmaids or centerpieces for your tables, we have everything you need to make any event spectacular.

For over 30 years, Calyx Flowers has been a trusted source of beautiful flowers for special occasions. We understand how important your wedding day or special event is and we want to help make it wonderful! That’s why we offer large quantities of fresh-cut flowers for DIY projects like wedding bouquets and centerpieces.

We make it easy for you to find and order the best buds and blooms with our simple ordering process. Our team is always available to help you place an order for delivery or to offer support when deciding on the perfect selection of flowers.