Ti Leaves – Cordyline terminalis

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Ti Leaves – Cordyline terminalis

Common Name: Ti Leaves

Botanical Name: Cordyline terminalis, kor-DI-li-nee ter-mi-NAL-is

Decorative Life: 7-14 days.


Family Roots:
  • Member of the Agavaceae (agave) family.
  • Native to East Asia.
  • Related species include Century plant, tuberose, yucca, dracaena.
  • Leaves 1-3 feet long and 4-6 inches wide.
  • Plant is a tender evergreen shrub or tree.
  • Classed as a monocotyledon, leaves mostly parallel veined.
Storage Specifics:

Hold at 50-60F, with high humidity.

  • From the Greek “kordyle” (a club) referring to the large, fleshy roots of some species.
  • Emerald green form and darker green form with pink margins available.
  • Leaves can be cut or stapled into various forms.
  • Leaves often shipped with wet cotton wrapped on ends.