Harvest when 50-70% of the flowers are showing color (open).
Family Roots:
Member of the Plumbaginaceae (plumbago or leadwort family).
Native to Europe, Eastern Asia.
Relatives include Armeria, Ceratostigma and leadwort.
Have tiny flowers in much-branched, airy inflorescences.
Stems are branched, 24-36 inches long.
Plants are semi-woody perennials, classed as dicotyledons.
Flowers are not fragrant and some species even have offensive odors.
Storage Specifics:
36-38 F (3 days or less), 32-34 F (more than 3 days). L. dumosum plugs can be stored frozen up to six weeks at 28F and then forced with no measurable detriments.
Scientific name is from the Greek word “leimon” (a meadow), referring to the plant’s original habitat.
Hybrids between L. latifolium (sea lavender) and L. bellidifolium (caspia statice) include ‘Saint Pierre’, ‘Beltlaard’ and the ‘Misty’ series. They retain much of the airy nature of caspia statice.
Other new hybrids include ‘Fantasia’.
Suitable for drying, tie several stems in a bunch and hang upside down until dried, lasts for years.
Recent Research Findings:
Using annual statice, Reid and Evans (1994) and Doi and Reid (1995) showed that vaselife is tripled in a flower food compared to water. It is therefore hypothesized that many statice types would respond in a similar manner. With L. perigrinum, Lewis and Borst (1993) showed that this species can last 30-40 days in a vase directly after harvest but was reduced to 10-20 days if stored for 72 hours at 41F. They also noted that the use of flower food solutions may not be needed because it lasts so long in water.
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