Pepper – Capsicum annuum var. annuum

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Pepper – Capsicum annuum var. annuum

Common Name: Pepper, Ornamental Pepper, Chili pepper

Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum var. annuum, CAP-si-cum AN-you-um

Decorative Life: Not applicable.

Flower Color: , , , ,


Harvest Instructions:

Irrigating with water containing very low levels of chlorine (2-8 ppm) can cause significant growth reductions with some cultivars.

Family Roots:
  • Member of the Solanaceae (nightshade family).
  • Native to Central and South America.
  • Common relatives include tobacco, eggplant, petunia, tomato and potato.
  • Glossy fruit, 1-3 inches long, round to elongated in shape, in loose clusters at stem ends.
  • Leafy stems 6-8 inches long.
  • Plant is an annual, classed as a dicotyledon, leaves not parallel veined.
  • From the Greek “kapto” (to bite) referring to the hot taste of some cultivars.
  • The specific epithet name annuum means annual.
  • This family has many poisonous members including the common weed, deadly nightshade, and the green skin of potatoes. On the other hand, it is a source of many commercial foods including potato, tomato, pepper and eggplant. Tobacco also is a member.