Italian Ruscus – Ruscus aculeatus

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Italian Ruscus – Ruscus aculeatus

Common Name: Italian Ruscus, Butcher's Broom, Box Holly, Jew's Myrtle

Botanical Name: Ruscus aculeatus, RUS-cus ah-kew-lee-AH-tus

Decorative Life: About 14 days.


Storage Specifics:

Store at 34-41 F, up to 10 days dry and up to 3 weeks in water.

  • Ruscus has separate male and female plants. The flowers appear in the middle of the cladopylls and the female flowers develop into red berries. The specific epithet name aculeatus means prickly.
  • With over 3000 species, the lily family includes many medicinal and food species in addition to ornamentals.
  • For those Chain of Life Network Members wanting more detailed information about the florists’ greens industry, it is highly recommended that Robert Stamps’ article entitled Florists’ Botanicals (2001) be read.
  • Used extensively in weddings. Berries red.
  • Leaves are smaller than Holland or Israeli ruscus.