Heavenly Bamboo – Nandina domestica

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Heavenly Bamboo – Nandina domestica

Common Name: Heavenly Bamboo, Nandina

Botanical Name: Nandina domestica, nan-DEEN-a do-MES-ti-ka

Decorative Life: 10-16 days or longer.

Flower Color: ,


Harvest Instructions:

Cultivar and growing season differences can result in significant vaselife variations.

Storage Specifics:

Unknown but estimated to be safe to store this species at or near 50F.

  • From “nanten”, the Japanese word for the plant.
  • Loose clusters of red berries appear in autumn. The berries are said to be cyanogenic, producing cyanide if ingested.
  • The specific epithet name domestica means domesticated.
Recent Research Findings:

When ‘Harbour Dwarf’ and ‘San Gabriel’ were grown as foliage plants under various reduced light intensities, Behe et al. (1993) noted that the lowest light level produced the longest lasting ‘Harbour Dwarf’ under interior conditions while production light levels had no postharvest effect on ‘San Gabriel’.