Will respond to B-Nine or Florel to produce more compact plants with more flowers.
Many species in this 3000 plus species family are grown for ornamental and medicinal purposes including slipperwort, speedwell, mullein, bearded-tongue, foxglove, snapdragon, toadflax, monkey-flower, cape-fuchsia, coral-plant, nemesia, and blue-lips.
Diascia is from the Greek “dis” (two) and “askos” (sac), referring to the sacs marked by yellow and maroon patches on the corolla (inner petals) known as ‘windows’.
Some favorite cultivars and their respective flower colors include ‘Strawberry Sundae’ (pink) and ‘Whisper’ (cranberry red). Will generally do well in light levels at least bright enough to read a newspaper in comfort but more light would be better.
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