Get the new month off to a great beginning with the colorful promise of making a difference the next time you send flowers. Naturally appealing, our Fair Trade Roses make the perfect gift this October. After all, it is Fair Trade Month 2010.
The theme for this year’s Fair Trade Month is Every Purchase Matters which is why Calyx Flowers decided to offer each season, a showcase of Fair Trade Certified roses. And just what does that really mean?
The Fair Trade Certified Label guarantees our customers that strict economic, social, and environmental criteria were met in the production and trade of these roses. The rose farm is dedicated to planting, nurturing, harvesting, and selling quality flowers that bring additional revenue back to their communities to improve the quality of life. We are offering a collection of four rose varieties – Freedom, Ambiance, Pink Intuition and Chilis.

Calyx Flowers is also very excited to be sponsoring a day during Fair Trade Month. Our official Fair Trade Day is Tuesday, October 5th. In conjunction with TransFair USA we’ll be offering a rose giveaway as a way of saying we’re proud of our Fair Trade product. Be sure to support the Fair Trade movement not only by purchasing Fair Trade Certified Roses but also by following TransFair USA on Facebook and Twitter, where each day they will feature fun and easy actions that you can take to support Fair Trade far beyond your every day purchases.