Love Yellow Roses

Yellow Rose

We’ve always loved yellow roses here at Calyx Flowers, especially in March when we’re on the cusp of the Spring season. Its vibrant hue brings a much needed joyfulness when you’ve had your fill of Winter and the cold weather. The yellow rose always brings inspiration and it brought the Blueberries & Sweet Cream Bouquet to life.

Blueberries and Sweet Cream Bouquet

While fashioning the look for this springtime bouquet, I relied heavily on a blue and white palette to coordinate with the darling blueberry pitcher. The textures and layers of the bouquet were incredible but it was missing one thing. After pondering it from just about every angle I realized it needed a pop of strong color. In went three High & Yellow Magic roses and ta-da! The bouquet instantly came to life. It gave it more interest, the flowers felt special, yet it was simple enough to be a beautiful, everyday arrangement.


  • High & Yellow Magic roses
  • Delphiniums
  • Hydrangeas
  • Trachelium
  • Chrysanthemums
  • Porcelain blueberry pitcher