Calyx Flowers & Social Media

Hello Social Media, Hello New Conversations –

It’s time for Facebook and Twitter and The Flower Lover’s Blog to become part of our company’s core. It’s funny to reflect on the journey that has brought Calyx to the present year. Way back in 1988, the company was founded as the very first to ship flowers “in a box” direct from the growers. Our means of marketing – the catalog.

Today we still mail those beautiful catalogs to your home via the US Postal Service but we now email and tweet and talk to our fans on Facebook, oops I mean those who “Like” us. The fabulous part of it all is that we can gather inspiration from all these new areas and really get to know our customers. Case in point – it made my day to read on May 8th a post from a Calyx recipient thanking us for delivering beautiful Mother’s Day flowers from her babies. It’s our hope to keep these conversations going, expanding and becoming more inspirational!

Check Calyx Flowers out on Facebook ( or Follow us on Twitter @calyxflowers and share, share, share!