Calycina – Thryptomene calycina

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Calycina – Thryptomene calycina

Common Name: Calycina, Grampians thryptomene

Botanical Name: Thryptomene calycina, THRIP-to-meen kal-i-SEEN-a

Decorative Life: Generally 6-12 days.

Flower Color: ,

Availability: ,

Harvest Instructions:

Harvest when about 20 to 50% of the flowers are open. It is too late to harvest if some of the flowers are already changing color to dark pink.

Storage Specifics:

This species can be held dry for up to 3 weeks at 33-34F in a vapor barrier lined container as long as it was pretreated with a fungicide to protect it from Botrytis and hydrated properly upon removal from storage.

  • This family is important economically for many edible fruits including guava, rose-apple, spices such as allspice and cloves, timber (eucalyptus) and many ornamental species.
  • While spraying foliage with water can reduce drying out, it also increases the chances for Botrytis growth.
Recent Research Findings:

Jones et al. (1993) noted that flower buds will not open in water but will open in a good flower food solution.