Mambo Hatbox Bouquet


A swirling bouquet of summertime blooms is a bright and cheerful surprise. Presented inside our new navy satin hatbox topped with a silver bow, the perfectly arranged bouquet boasts Mambo orange and pink Majolica spray roses mixed with pink and peach Asiatic lilies, all nestled in our 4″ cylinder glass vase.

  • Stem count: 10
  • Vase: glass; 4″ high
  • Bouquet in vase: approximately 9″ high
  • Presented in our 10″ navy satin hatbox

Remove the bouquet by pulling up on the handles of the insert immediately upon arrival. Gently lift the bouquet from the slotted center. Fill your vessel ¾ full with warm water and add the contents of the Calyx floral preservative package. Remove the hydration system from the stems, the foam is a bio-degradable material and can be discarded safely. REMOVE band around end of bouquet. Trim about a ½” from the bottom of your bouquet while holding the stems under water, and place immediately in the vessel. Keep your arrangement away from drafts, direct sunlight and excessive heat or cold. Change water and recut the stems every 2-3 days to maximize longevity.


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