Farmhouse Bouquet


A beautiful combination of summertime warmth and autumn style, our new Farmhouse Bouquet is an “Indian summer” in flower form. We took the cheerful colors the two seasons have in common and created a brilliant profusion of yellow, green, and white that’s sure to brighten the day of someone special. White roses, yellow mini sunflowers, green mini hydrangea, yellow Finesse roses, yellow-orange Gerbera daisies, and yellow Babe spray roses, and yellow micro poms make for quite an impressive display, especially when situated in our white ceramic rooster pitcher with beak spout.

  • Stem length: 18″-22″
  • Stem count: 27
  • Vase: ceramic pitcher, 8¼” high
  • Also available in our signature glass vase
    Please note: as shown pitcher will arrive in separate shipment.

Remove all foliage that will fall below the water line and the “guard petal” on each rose – this is the outermost petal left on to protect the bud during shipment. Your sunflowers have natural, hairy fuzz on their stems and may look a bit tired upon arrival. Don’t despair! They’re healthy – just thirsty…they will rehydrate within 24 hours. Please remove any leaves or foliage that will fall below the water line. Leaves with discoloration can also be removed. Trim each stem at a diagonal under water to the recommended display height of your container or vase for best blooming results. Always add fresh water daily. Trim away spent blossoms as your bouquet ages and rearrange if necessary. Change water, clean container and recut stems every few days.


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